Welcome to the PT Practice Corner. The TPTA Practice Committee is pleased to offer articles and information to help Texas PTs & PTAs in their practice of physical therapy.

Capitol Hill Day 2024 student reflections


TPTA is pleased to announce that its quarterly online publication, Synergy, and the online Practice Corner will be merging into a new online platform, Move Y'all!

The new logo is a representation of the Movers & Shakers across Texas Physical Therapy Association.

We see you!
We see the innovation you bring to your clinical practice!
We see the impact you make in academia through your investment in our future PTs & PTAs!
We see the spark and passion among students who are nearing their professional goals!

We see you...all of you, in all aspects of how you live your professional lives as Physical Therapists are Physical Therapist Assistants!

Clinician Spotlight (click on the photo for the full article)

Clinical Pearl


Clinical Pearl

Check out this fun video from Legend Oaks Northwest Houston


New Clinician Spotlight! (click on the photo for the full article)


The Practice Committee of the TPTA would like to acknowledge the recent award that was presented to Dr. Gail Deyle at the 2021 APTA Combined Sections Meeting.  Dr. Deyle was awarded the Steven Rose Excellence in Research Award by the Academy of Orthopedic Physical Therapy for his recent publication in the New England Journal of Medicine:

Deyle GD, Allen CS, Allison SC, Gill NW, Hando BR, Peterson EJ, Dusenberry DI, Rhon DI.  Physical Therapy versus Glucocorticoid Injection for Osteoarthritis of the Knee.   N Engl J Med.  2020; 382:1420-1429.

Publication acceptance in the New England Journal of Medicine is highly prestigious and the TPTA and the Practice Committee would like to congratulate Dr. Deyle and his team of researchers on this award.

Please use the link below to access the referenced article:


New Clinician Spotlight! (Click on the image to read more about this clinician)

Amber Brown, PT, DPT, WCS*, CLT, RYT (Board-Certified Women’s Health Clinical Specialist)

New Posting! Insights from a Seasoned Physical Therapist

People all across Texas were helping each other after dealing with frozen pipes, loss of water and electricity. Many frontline workers continued to make their way to work to support the needs of their patients. Thank you to all of our Physical Therapist and Physical Therapist Assistants for your servant leadership.


Telehealth Physical Therapy Saved Me...A Clinician and Patient Perspective
Case Study-Telehealth-6.10.2020-Patient with ORIF-final.pdf


Physician Letter Supporting Physical Therapy Telehealth